Posts tagged "Communion"

1. The Christian tradition of communion is based on the Last Supper, when Jesus fed (unleavened) bread and wine to his disciples, asking that they eat and drink in remembrance of him, occurred during the celebration of which Jewish holiday? -Passover -Purim -Yom Kippur -Shabbat 2. Where did Jesus ask his disciples to go for the last supper meal? -House of Caiaphas -The Upper Room -Hezekiah's Tunnel -Garden of Gethsemane 3. The Last Supper has been memorably depicted in Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting of the same name. In this

Announcements: Pastor John, Shirin, Sarah and Stephanie Snyder are back! Your prayers for them during their time away are much appreciated. This Sunday is Communion Sunday. Pastor John will be preaching on “Christ’s Authority to Heal.” Scripture verses we’ll be studying are Psalm 103:1-6; Mark 1:29-34; John 4:46-54. Coffee and Conversation - The next coffee morning for English speakers is this coming Wednesday, 7 February, here at the Christuskirche, Ammerseestrasse 15, Gauting from 10 until 12 am. Children and friends are welcome. Next Sunday,

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