What Do You Want from Me, Lord?
By Mike Page, Guest Preacher There’s nothing like having to prepare a sermon to get procrastination work done in the garden. Yesterday I managed to turn the compost heap and shredded a pile of branches from the winter. So thank you. And thank you for the opportunity to share this message with you. There’s a great honour that you bestow on someone when you say to them “we want to hear what you have to say about God.” Either that or you were desperate. The
Weekly Invite – 8 April
Announcements: Welcome to Starnberg Fellowship! This Sunday, Pastor John will be preaching on “Disappointed in God?” and sharing in greater detail God’s power to rescue as well as his profound grace in all our lives. In addition to the Scripture verses above, we’ll also be looking at Jeremiah 20:7-10. Please join us following worship for refreshments. If you have any questions about the church, please don't hesitate to ask. Many thanks for your generous donations of gourmet dishes that made our Easter celebration a wonderful time together!
Resurrection: The Key to Understanding Life
Imagine the disciples witnessing Jesus’ trial—his brutal beating and excruciating death, and finally, his burial in a sealed tomb. After all the jubilation and endless miracles, silence. Painful silence. It was the sudden end of all their hopes and dreams. The Messiah and their whole future was dead, buried, and gone. By the evening of Good Friday, that glorious promise and hope had become just one more illusion and disappointment, another mirage in the desert. But the astonishing, extreme event of
Easter – Weekly Invite – 1 April
It's Easter! This Sunday, we are excited to get together to worship and thank God for the most spectacular event in the history of the world. Pastor John will be preaching on "Resurrection Changes Everything." Bring your praises, prayers, and requests and let us place them at the feet of God and expect the impossible from him. Easter Celebration Following Worship: For our celebration following our worship service, please bring either a savory or sweet finger food to serve 10-15
Weekly Invite – Palm Sunday – 25 March
Family Sunday: Every other last Sunday, we designate as Family Sunday to celebrate our time together as a church family. Children, youth, and adults join together to participate in different events and activities. This Palm Sunday, we will watch an excellent, profound, but simple, film—the retelling of Jesus’ life, from his birth to his resurrection. Join us as we experience the impact of Jesus’ life on many and on us. "Perspective Changes Everything" - To listen to and read Philipp Meinecke's
Perspective Changes Everything
by Philipp Meinecke Perspective is a funny thing, isn’t it? At least, it can be at times. Get two people together and have them share their perspective on any given issue and things can turn from humorous to frightfully divisive real quick. Perspective is not really something static, either – at least from the human perspective. Your perspective may be subject to change over time as you grow older, gain more life experience, or if the situation demands it. How do
Weekly Invite – 4 March
Welcome to Starnberg Fellowship! This Sunday's sermon will be "Joy in Forgetting" and the Scripture verses are Psalm 8:1-5, 1 Corinthians 4:1-3, and Philippians 2:3-4. Pastor Snyder will be preaching. Tuesday Evening Prayer and Bible Study Group: If you'd like to join us, please let us know. Coffee and Conversation Morning: This Wednesday, 7 March, from 10:00 - 12:00 hrs at Christuskirche, Ammerseestraße 15 in Gauting. Children are welcome! Sunday, 11 March: A Special Lenten Worship Service and Potluck Supper – Please join us as we prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. Also,
Weekly Invite – 25 February 2018
Welcome to Starnberg Fellowship! We are glad you could be with us today! Please join us following worship for refreshments. If you have any questions about the church, please let us know. This Sunday's sermon will be "Getting the Path Straight" and the Scripture verses for it are Proverbs 3:5-8. Pastor Snyder will be preaching. Tuesday Evening Prayer and Bible Study Group: If you'd like to join us, please let us know. Men's Group will meet on Thursday, 1 March, 18.30 hrs at Hofbräukeller, Innere
Fasching: All About Munich’s Biggest Carnival
"When other countries of the world celebrate “carnival“, in Munich "Fasching" is celebrated. “Fasching“ comes from the medieval word “vaschnc“, in present-day German “Fastnacht“ and relates to the fasting period, which begins immediately after Fasching and is what we know as Lent. Munich’s Fasching has its origins in the dancing and pageantry which accompanied economical changes, as well as changes in the customs and festivities themselves, the tradition of Fasching remains to date. Up until the beginning of the 19th century
Weekly Invite – 4 February
Announcements: Pastor John, Shirin, Sarah and Stephanie Snyder are back! Your prayers for them during their time away are much appreciated. This Sunday is Communion Sunday. Pastor John will be preaching on “Christ’s Authority to Heal.” Scripture verses we’ll be studying are Psalm 103:1-6; Mark 1:29-34; John 4:46-54. Coffee and Conversation - The next coffee morning for English speakers is this coming Wednesday, 7 February, here at the Christuskirche, Ammerseestrasse 15, Gauting from 10 until 12 am. Children and friends are welcome. Next Sunday,