A State of Being: Guilt and Shame
From the Bible’s point of view, guilt, real guilt, is first and foremost not a feeling. It’s a state of being. It's the position of being out of line with our God by virtue of our sin. It can be fixed only by being placed into a right relationship with him, a solution that’s brought about only by God himself, not by us. It is his specialty to fix this problem. Resorting to our own measures only makes things worse. In
Call Me Papa: How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”-Romans 8:15 We’re spoiled and don’t know it. Those of us raised in the Christian faith take for granted the idea that God is “Our Father.” Taught from childhood to pray The Lord’s Prayer, and being accustomed to most Christian prayers beginning with the word “Father,” we are little aware of how shocking
The Munich Bible Studies from Starnberg Fellowship
Night and day I pondered Romans until I grasped the truth. I felt myself to be reborn. -Martin Luther Sometimes our worship loses its passion. Our prayer life becomes stagnant. We forget why we are serving God. And slowly, subtly, the world's ways become our ways. The New Testament book of Romans addresses these problems, showing us how we can break out of old patterns and become new in Christ. Join us for this in-depth Bible study on Romans. In assessing the importance of
Join Us ! Weekly Invite – 13 June 2021
Join us either at Christuskirche Or on Zoom @ 16:00 hrs for Worship! Sunday, 13 June 2021 Scriptures: Matthew 16:13-20 Sermon: Who Do You Say I Am? Mike Page, preaching Click Here for Our Zoom Service Meeting ID: 890 8270 2153 Passcode: 801054 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89082702153?pwd=VXlKKzN0d1IyeWQ5TG5ta0c1Qlo5Zz09 Visit us on Facebook: facebook.com/StarnbergFellowship or starnbergfellowship.de If you would like prayer, or to speak to Pastor John, please contact him at [email protected].