SF Bible Trivia Quiz: Timothy
Timothy Quiz 1. To whom is 2 Timothy written? 2. How many books of the Bible did Timothy write? -Zero -One -Two 3. Where is Timothy first mentioned in the Bible? -1 Timothy -Acts -Romans -2 Corinthians 4. What is the name of the town where Paul met Timothy? -Macedonia -Isle of Capri -Lystra -Venice 5. Who was Timothy's mother? -Rhoda -Lois -Eunice -Yo Mama Timothy's father was: -Absent -A Greek -A Jew -A Roman 7. Because of health reasons, what did Paul encourage Timothy not to drink? -Milk -Wine -Grape Juice -Water 8. When Paul was sent away from Berea, with whom did Timothy stay? -Jason -His mum -Barnabas -Silas 9. Who went with Timothy