The Battle Belongs to the Lord
“… This is what the Lord says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's." -2 Chronicles 20:15 We can’t face the day and fight the same battles any longer—we’re worn out, and there are too many enemies, too much meanness to take on. We’re tired of fighting the same emotional war. What is there to do? In this unusual passage, God orders the people not to try to fight
Hope for the New Year
Charles Dickens said in A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….” I think I can speak for our family in saying that 2021 was both the worst year of our lives, and the best. It was a year of challenges, but it was crowned with the love and care of God's family all around the world and with a Christmas miracle. We turn our eyes to the only One who
Your 100 Day Prayer: Day 88 – Hopes and Dreams
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. –Proverbs 16:3 Does this mean that God will make all our plans succeed? As Dr. Snyder says, that would be chaos! The word that is important in this proverb is "commit." Dr. Snyder explains, "…this is a piece of wisdom that encourages us to commit and submit all our business, activities, and plans to God so that if they are good and in line with his highest will, they'll come
Your 100 Day Prayer: Day 76 – Nowhere Else to Go
by TJ Bates Before Day 76 in Dr. Snyder's book, he addresses "When God Says No." Here's an excerpt from that section: "We discover that often God gets more accomplished with a no than a yes. If we had everything we asked for the minute we asked, then we probably wouldn't learn very much from the crisis of the moment. God teachers us to depend on him by means of trouble and difficulty. Otherwise, if things were always an easy skate across
Your 100 Day Prayer: Day 65 – Are You Listening?
by TJ Bates via Theology Mix I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer. –Psalm 17:6 A number of psalmists have recorded their complaints and frustration over the apparent "earlessness" of God. There may have been times when you have felt the same frustration and wondered if God was listening to your prayers. God answers through the psalmist who wrote in Psalm 94:9, "Does he who implanted the ear not hear?" Psalm 94:9
Your 100 Day Prayer: Day 14 – The Master Plan
"The Lord brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up. The Lord sends poverty and wealth, he humbles and he exalts." -1 Samuel 2:6-7 Have you ever expressed fear about what is happening in the world, or what is going on in your own life, and someone replied "not to worry because the Lord has a plan?" Did you believe it? Dr. Snyder does and explains why. "God and God alone is the one who has