Weekly Invite – 22 October
This Sunday, Philipp Meinecke will be preaching on Jesus’ Authority—My Responsibility. Scripture verses we’ll be looking at are: Luke 8:26-39, with supporting text Matthew 28:18-20. The following is an excerpt from this Sunday’s sermon:
Sermon Excerpt: 18th century English writer and theologian G. K. Chesterton postulated that “the first effect of not believing in God is to believe in anything.” This effect is felt throughout the Western hemisphere, where belief in Christianity has given way to the erosive forces that have sought to break it down. Fascination and pursuit of alternate experiences have left a gaping hole that yearns to be filled. Add to that the void that has been created by a lack of fervor and zeal by those whocall themselves Christians, one is now left with having to personally decide what to do with the claims of Christianity and even more so the claims of Christ. Much has ben said about Jesus, whether it’s substantiating his claims, his teachings, or his ministry. Some have discounted the record, others have encountered him for who he is. And yet in the midst of our personal struggles, dark moments, and seasons of doubt and uncertainty we are met with an unshakeable authority that he wields: he has authority over nature (Mt.8:23-27: Mk.11:12-14), over sin (Mt.9:1-8; Lk.7:37-38,44-50), over sickness (Mt.8:14-15; Lk.18:35-43), over evil(Mk.1:23-27), and over death (Mt.9:18-25; Lk.7:11-16) and he wants to make us whole. This, of course, necessitates that we admit our brokenness and come face-to-face with his authority. Indifference has no room, neither does neutrality. Jesus’ authority to make me whole (combined with his desire and offer to do so) demand my response: I must submit to him; I must deal with sin; and I must engage in his mission. Nothing less will do. In the midst of our circumstances – whether good or bad – we come to grips with the reality that he is in control. For some, this may be unnerving, for others the most freeing truth they could possibly hope for. What cannot happen is sideline-Christianity that sits comfortably in an armchair, following Christ as long as it’s convenient. In the spirit of the 500-year anniversary of Luther’s reformation, we, as the church, must be willing to be reformed – in our thinking, in our faith, and in our resulting actions.
International Food Potluck, Sunday, 22 October: Please bring a favorite “home” dish to serve 8-10 people.
Tuesday Prayer and Bible Study Group: If you would like to join us, please let us know.
Coffee and Conversations: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, 8 November, from 10:00 – 12:00 noon.
Starnberg Fellowship’s 10 Year Anniversary Celebration will be held on 19 November. This will also be our Harvest/Thanksgiving Dinner. RSVP and let us know what you’d like to contribute. Thanks!
Mark your calendars!
22 Oct: International Food Potluck
8 Nov: Coffee and Conversations
19 Nov: Starnberg Fellowship 10 Year Anniversary Celebration
3 Dec: Advent Wreathmaking with Soup Supper
6 Dec: Coffee and Conversations
9 Dec: Youth Christmas Party
17 Dec: Christmas Pageant/Birthday Party for Jesus