
Daylight saving time 2017 will begin at 01:00 this Sunday, 26 March! Tuesday's Bible Study and Prayer Group meets at the Powells' at 19:30 hrs. Lenten Series: The Gospel of John—The Book of Signs: This Wednesday, 22 March, we’ll be considering the miracles of the feeding of the 5,000 and Jesus’ walking on the water. We'll meet at Christuskirche Gauting from 19:30–20:30 hrs. Childcare provided upon request. This Sunday, 26 March, Pastor Snyder will be preaching on Getting Started: Now Go! What are

This Sunday, Pastor Snyder will be preaching on "The Lord's Prayer." Scriptures we'll be looking at are Matthew 6:5-15. Please keep in prayer those families away this weekend. Sermon Notes: The Lord's Prayer Matthew 6:5-15 Intro: -The Lord's Prayer is actually the Disciples' Prayer. 1. "Our Father who art in heaven…" -"Father" = Creator, Source, Helper, Rescuer and Friend. -"Heaven" is where God dwells in a wholly other realm. 2. "Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…" -We make God's name holy when we allow

This Sunday we will meet at our regular worship time at 16:00 hrs. Pastor John will be preaching on "The King's Confession" and we'll be looking at Psalm 51:1-12. Expat in the City Fair - Sunday, 12 March from 10:00 - 17:00 hrs. If you’d like to help with this great outreach to our expats community, please contact Shirin. More about the Expat in the City Fair, Sunday 12 March 2017 from 10.00 – 17.00  The Expat in the City Fair in Munich is more

This Sunday we will meet at our regular worship time at 16:00 hrs. Pastor John will be preaching on "The King's Prayer" and we'll be looking at Psalm 27. Expat in the City Fair - Sunday, 12 March from 10:00 - 17:00 hrs. If you’d like to help with this great outreach to our expats community, please contact Shirin. Mark Your Calendars! Sunday, 19 February — Potluck following worship Sunday, 12 March — Expat Fair from 10:00 – 17:00 hrs April – Easter Event May –

This Sunday we will meet at 10:30 hrs in the Sanctuary. The German church is having a big celebration in the afternoon to say goodbye to their current pastor who will be the new Bishop in Munich. Werner and Janice Lehnis will be sharing about their ministry with us. Pastor John, Shirin, Sarah, and Stephanie send you their grateful thanks for your prayers and wishes. Expat in the City Fair - Sunday, 12 March from 10:00 - 17:00 hrs. If you’d like

Second Sunday in Advent, 4 December, worship service - 16:00 hrs! Pastor Snyder will be preaching on The Father's Gift. We’ll be looking at Scripture verses John 1:1-4, 14; 1 John 1:1-4 and what the birth of Jesus means in our everyday lives. Questions we’ll be considering are: How does this event from years ago affect and impact who we are and what we do today? Christmas Pageant and Birthday Party for Jesus - Lights! Camera! Action! Sunday, 18 December, 16:00

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