Join Us on Sunday – SF Weekly Invite
Sunday at a Glance
Worship Service & Sunday School: 16:00 hrs
Scripture verses: Galatians 6:14, Galatians 3:10-14; Ephesians 2:8-9
Sermon: Boasting in the Cross: Jesus Defines Your Identity
Brian Rogers, preaching
Live Beyond Your Means!
This might sound like reckless, insane advice during the worst global economic crisis many of us have ever witnessed. But I’m not talking here about disregarding your family budget, irrational spending, or overreaching in your personal finances. Instead, my challenge is to those who decide how much they can afford to give, and then plan their mission according to that allowance and never going beyond that. Like people, we have churches like this. These churches never take a risk. They never dream of something far above what they have in terms of expected revenue, numbers of members, limited property, and the like. They:
-play it safe—all the time.
-live in fear that if they dream too big, try something new or think out of the box, somehow everything will fall apart.
-see God as a banker or loan officer rather than the Lord of the universe who owns everything everywhere, and who never runs out of anything.
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Quote of the Week
Religion: a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark. – Stephen Hawking
Atheism: a fairy tale for people afraid of the light. – John Lennox
SF Youth! Sooo excited to be distancing together and looking back at all the fun times we’ve had. We’ll bediscussing what’s up next for our group in faith, fun, music, and…movies? See you there! ️
Christmas Family Worship Service~Uniquely Starnberg Fellowship!
Mark Your Calendars—13 December 2020
Our SF Family Christmas Worship Service is scheduled for Sunday, 13 December. We’ll keep you posted as rules and regulations change. In the meantime, if you and/or your children are interested in being a part of one of this worship service, contact Brooke, Sharon, or Shirin.
For youth involvement in Advent and Christmas worship services, contact Sarah.
If you’re interested in doing a special music piece for the Christmas season, contact Stephanie.
Or, for more information or questions, write to us at:
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