Bible Study (Page 4)

What if you discovered that much of what you believe about God, Jesus, and salvation has very little to do with the Bible and a lot more to do with popular trends, modern culture, and ancient pagan philosophy? Would you be alarmed? If you’re anything like most of us believers, then, normally, we tend to believe what we’re taught by spiritually sincere and well-meaning family, friends, pastors, and Sunday school teachers. The pastor who influenced you was a great guy, he

By Philipp Meinecke Jesus used many compelling and vivid metaphors to describe the Church and its intended influence and function in the world: A city set on a hill. Visible event to the untrained eye. A lamp bringing light even into the darkest of rooms. A beautiful bride made ready for her husband. A house, in which those far and near find a home. Salt to season and preserve. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the early Church presented such a

by Philipp Meinecke A city set on a hill. Visible even to the untrained eye. A lamp bringing light even into the darkest of rooms. A beautiful bride, made ready for her husband. A house in which even those far off find a home. Jesus used many compelling and vivid metaphors to describe the church and its intended influence on the world. Through the power and work of the Holy Spirit, the Early Church presented such a transformative force on its culture that even persecution

This Sunday, we’ll be looking at the issue of faith and considering these and other questions: What role does human effort play in the life of faith? What is the place of “good works”? The New Testament often repeats that good works (deeds) are a necessary part of the Christian’s life, but different answers have been given in various branches of the Church as to what that means. The answer will determine all of earthly life for us because there

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus was addressing the super-religious people of his day—those convinced that they were “in” with God, while others outside their circles were “out.” We find the same situation with many Christians today, those who give no real evidence of a changed life. Often we find behavior in the church far more putrid and consistently repugnant than that of the world. Those of us who’ve been among Christians for many years can cite too many examples

By Chaplain Chris Linzey, Blogger and contributing author at Theology Mix, a theology and culture blog on church life, culture, and theological debate. We live in an increasingly fragmented and shallow society. I believe people are really desiring a new way of life that is more connected with others. Genesis has a vivid picture of God creating. There is great chaos in the Cosmos as God is creating merely from the power of his words. Matter is neither created or destroyed, it

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” -John 14:6 What difference, if any, does it make whether one is a Christian or of some other faith? Aren’t all faiths the same and all ways lead to God? Aren’t we judged ultimately on how sincerely we take our own chosen path or what a good life we’ve led? These aren’t just academic questions. They matter more than any other

Introduction: In so many ways and in so many places the church has lost its way, lost its identity, and has ruptured badly—not by external forces, but by internal strife and disagreement on the basics of faith. We may well wonder how much longer it will stay around. Entire denominations that have been here for generations are abandoning their historic confessions and tossing overboard the theological and moral guidance systems that have kept them going forward since their founding. All the fundamental

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