Courageous Leadership: Fully Embracing God’s Call On Our Lives
A sermon by Philipp Meinecke Courageous Leadership: Fully Embracing God’s Call On Our Lives from Precept Ministries Germany on Vimeo.
Weekly Invite and Information
Happy New Year! Reminder: There will be no worship service this Sunday (last Sunday of the year), 31 December. Next Movie Night for Youth – 6 January: Ages 10+ are invited to join us from 16:30 hrs (4:30 pm) to 19:00 hrs (7:00 pm). Movie TBD! (Suggestions are welcome!) Happy New Year Sunday & Potluck Supper – 7 January: Pastor John will be preaching a series on the importance of Christ’s authority over all our lives and our eternal destiny. It is also
Weekly Invite – 17 December
THIS SUNDAY is our Christmas Pageant!! Pastor Snyder will be giving a short mediation on "The Gift of Kindness." Scripture verses we'll be looking at are Psalm 145:17-18 and Luke 6:35. Here's some info on our last week going into Sunday's pageant
An Unusual Invitation—Debunking Christmas…
…Finding the True Story Amidst All the Religious Fluff by Philipp Meinecke It’s Christmas season and, depending on your family’s traditions, you are probably in the midst of preparing for December 24 or 25 respectively. Cookies have been baked, the house has been decorated, candles have replaced regular LED lighting throughout the house, family pictures have been taken, ugly sweater contests have been won, and the debate on whether or not you should buy a “real” tree this year has probably also
Weekly Invite – 3 December
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. -Isaiah 7:14 O come, let us adore him… First Sunday of Advent, 3 December: The sermon title for this Sunday is "Does Santa Belong in Christmas?" Verses we'll be considering are Matthew 5:13-16. Pastor Snyder will be preaching. It is also Communion Sunday. Advent Wreath-Making and Soup Supper, this Sunday, 3 December! Please let us know if you can join us. Thanks! —>For dinner: -Please bring
Youth Christmas Party and Movie Night
We are so excited to see you all at Starnberg Fellowship's youth Christmas party and movie night next week, Saturday December 9 at 16.30. We will be playing some Christmas games and watching the movie Elf! - family friendly, Rated G (all ages). We'll have pizza and a candy bar, (because Buddy LOVES his sugar - this will make sense after the movie!). Open to ages 10+, parents are welcome to stay. If you have any questions, email us anytime. Friends
Advent Wreath-Making and Soup Supper — Sunday, 3 December
For Dinner: -Please bring a soup or dessert to share! For the wreath-making, please bring the following materials: -A pre-made greenery wreath. -4 candle bases that stick into the wreath, 4 candles -Whatever you wish to decorate it with: Any color scheme you like—gold, silver, copper, red, burgundy, white, cream, purple, pink and ribbons, bows, garlands, ornaments, beads, buttons, sea shells, figurines, small toys, cookie cutters, candy canes, dried fruit, cinnamon sticks, nuts, pine cones -Tools needed: hot glue gun, scissors, wire cutters,
Weekly Invite – 26 November
Welcome to Starnberg Fellowship! We hope you can join us today! This Sunday, we will focus on the difference Jesus makes in each of our lives. The Scripture verses we’ll be focusing on are Luke 2:1-20. The sermon is The Manger: An Odd Guest List. Pastor John will be preaching. Many thanks to all for a wonderful 10 Year Celebration and Harvest / Thanksgiving Dinner. Coffee and Conversations: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, 6 December, from 10:00–12:00 noon. Children are welcome to
Weekly Invite – 12 November
This Sunday, Mike Page will be preaching. Tuesday Prayer and Bible Study Group: If you would like to join us, please let us know. Coffee and Conversations: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, 6 December, from 10:00 – 12:00 noon at Christuskirche, Ammerseestrasse 15 in Gauting. Children are welcome to attend! Starnberg Fellowship's 10 Year Anniversary Celebration will be held on 19 November. This will also be our Harvest/Thanksgiving Dinner. RSVP and let us know if you'd like to help fix some items for the main