Weekly Invite – 19 January 2020
This Sunday, Pastor John Snyder will be asking What’s Your Answer? Scripture verses will be looking at are: Luke 1:1-4; Acts 4:18-20; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8; 1 Pet 3:15. Bring your Bibles!
Prayer and Bible Study Group on Tuesdays. Meetings are at the Powells’ in Pasing. Please contact Will or Corinna for the address.
Men’s Group meets on Thursday, 13 February at 18:30 hrs at Peter Pane (Kaflerstraße 2-14, Pasing). RSVP to Pastor John.
Women’s Mystery Event or Mysterious Women’s Event? Mark your calendars for Thursday, 20 February. Details are still a mystery!
Youth Band Project: Our next rehearsal is 16 February following worship. Save the date for a very special event on 28 March!!!
SF Children’s Choir is back! Our next rehearsal is 16 February after worship. We will be learning a song to sing for our Palm Sunday celebration on 5 April!
Your Tithes to Starnberg Fellowship: Thank you for your generous giving. As we do not benefit from the German church tax system, we rely on your generous contributions to meeting the needs of, and furthering the ministry of, our church. Thank you for choosing to support our church through your caring gifts. To tithe electronically, please find the church’s bank details here: IBAN: DE38702501 500027023274; BIC BYLADEM1KMS
Note: Please mark donations by writing either Gift, Donation, Tithe or Spende in the Verwendungszweck field. This will allow us to issue a receipt (German: Spendebescheinigung) for tax purposes. Regrettably we do not issue ‘Spendensbesicheinigung’/Charity receipts for donations given in cash or put in the cash offering plate.