From the Pastor: God Feels Our Pain
“Jesus wept,” are some of the most powerful words that we find in Scripture. Jesus is weeping at the death of Lazarus, even though he knows he’s about to raise him from the dead. So why is he weeping when inexpressible joy and the most astonishing miracle in his ministry is about to occur? Jesus could well have said to Lazarus’ sisters, Mary and Martha, “Why are you grieving so much? I’m about to show you how little a thing death is.” But
A Good Friday Message for Kids
Ms Sharon tells the story of Good Friday. Picture story from, music from, animation by Rhage.
From the Pastor: Love, Suffering, Grief, and Joy: The Last Four Days of Holy Week
If you were asked to associate one word each for the four days from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday, what would those four words be? For me, they are as follows: Maundy Thursday – Love A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. –John 13:34 Jesus’ new commandment is intended for the disciples’ welfare, for them to enjoy lives of meaning and purpose. In his ministry, he gives us a model
From the Pastor: The Logic of the Resurrection: What It Is and What It Does
The central features of the New Testament message are Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection. Jesus’ resurrection was the announcement that death no longer reigns over us—the very worst thing that can happen to us has been defeated and overruled. And that same power that operated to raise Jesus’ physical body from the tomb on Easter morning is operating this very day to bring dead things back to life: dead dreams, dead careers, dead marriages, and dead hopes. And we’re not going
Diary of a Disciple: An Easter Message for Kids
A special Easter message for children from Starnberg Fellowship. A selection from the book Diary of a Disciple by Gemma Willis. Read by Bethan Jay. (Part 1.) Book Diary of a Disciple © Gemma Willis, Scripture Union Publishing 2016.
Weekly Invite – 5 April 2020
Online At A Glance! Friday, 3 April @ 17:00 hrs Youth *Virtual* Movie Night! Get your Netflix (or Netflix free trial) ready! Watch the WhatsApp group for info. Saturday, 4 April @ 16:00 hrs SF Kitchen Convos Join us, bake brownies, and chat together! Palm Sunday, 5 April Zoom @ 15:00 hrs Bible Story Time for Children YouTube @ 16:00 hrs Worship Sermon: Simon of Cyrene Scripture: Mark 15:16-24; Ephesians 1:11-12 Pastor John Snyder Zoom @ 17:00 hrs SF Connect A time to connect with each other after worship. Tuesday, 7 April @ 19:30 hrs Prayer & Bible Study
What If We Lose Everything?
I heard on the news about a man who spent his life building up three restaurants in New York City, and who could easily lose his business and everything he has because (except for take outs and deliveries) his restaurants have been shut down. Another casualty of the coronavirus pandemic. Sadly, this is not some rare exception. Many, personally, professionally, and economically, stand to lose everything they’ve sacrificed for, and built up, over a lifetime. Rich, middle class, and day
Weekly Invite – 29 March 2020
At A Glance! Please note: Worship services, Sunday School, small group meetings, men's and women's events are canceled until further notice. Join us online to access content during this time. Online - Sunday, 29 March @ 16:00 hrs The Christ-Live: Relationally-Based Gospel Living - Philipp Meinecke Online - Tuesday, 31 March @ 19:30 hrs Prayer & Bible Study Group Starnberg Fellowship is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom Bible Study! Topic: Starnberg Fellowship Bible Study Time: Mar 31, 2020 07:30 PM Munich Time Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 260 385
Martin Wiles’ Lessons for Children: Jesus Wants Me to Love and Help Others
Martin Wiles’ Lessons for Youth and Children Scripture Reference: The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” -Mark 12:31 Related Scripture Reference: Luke 16:19-31 19 “There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. 20 And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table. Moreover,
Is God Involved in the Coronavirus Pandemic?
This current pandemic raises all kinds of questions about God: his will, his sovereignty, and his character. Did God cause it, did he merely allow it, or is it just pure evil, nothing but an attack of Satan in which God was, and is, entirely uninvolved? Well, I’ve heard all three explanations. These questions go right to the heart of the Bible’s presentation of God. How we answer them will show whether or not our thinking is in line with Scripture. First,