Jesus and Peter: An Inspiration for Us
by Will Powell, Guest Author I’m not sure if any of you have seen the film Kingsman? My son was excited to watch it as a family as our foray into Netflix life under lockdown. For those who haven't seen it, it is a film about a stereotypical “chav” (drop-out) called Eggsy, who hits rock bottom after stealing a car. Finally, he phones a number on a medal. Suddenly, he’s released from prison to be met by Harry Hart. Harry, whose
Starnberg Fellowship Update
Dear All, According to Bavarian law, churches are free to meet again from the 10th May, and we had initially considered holding our first service since the lockdown next Sunday. At our online church leadership meeting last Thursday we decided to push this back until at least the end of May for a number of reasons that we would like to share with you. Firstly, as restrictions are relaxed, some school classes re-starting, shops opening up, it’s entirely possible that we see
Weekly Invite – 3 May 2020
Sunday, 3 May Worship @ 16:00 hrs on YouTube Sermon: Jesus and Peter -An Inspiration for Us Scripture verses: Luke 22:1-3, 7-8, 14-16, 24-34, 39-40, 45-46, 54-62 Will Powell, preaching SF Sunday Virtual Worship Service on YouTube YouTube Live Link: : Subscribe to the SF YouTube Channel! Hit the subscribe button at: For Sunday's praise song lyrics and Scripture, go to Starnberg Fellowship Zoom Meetup - Sunday Join Zoom Meeting - A time to connect with each other after worship. Meeting ID: 981 145 966 Password: Please contact Pastor John. Please note: Due to Zoom