
This faithfulness of God is so astonishing that it takes literally years to get it. It’s one of those things about him that increasingly amazes us as we learn more about him. With each life experience and a growing knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures, we see more clearly how shocking his faithfulness is. He goes way overboard with his loyalty for us. Think of it: God’s loyalty and faithfulness to us is independent of our loyalty and faithfulness to him.

Dear Parents, We have begun to plan our Christmas service and, of course, our Christmas play! We are excited by the amount of children we now have at church and want to make sure everyone, that wants to be, is included in our play :-) Shirin has written a wonderful traditional piece and we'd love to have the kids from ages toddler to teen join in. As of 15 November, we will begin working on the play during our Sunday School. (Our

Dear Friends, This Sunday, 1 November, we’ll be celebrating the Lord’s Supper followed by our Sunday Brotzeit. The message will be The Real Thing: Putting the First Day First. We’ll be building on last week’s message regarding the importance of being a family of faith. Additionally, we’ll be considering the need and benefits of regular worship together. As I mentioned, God chooses to bless us as we meet together. Things happen during worship that we can’t predict or foresee. I love

Following worship on Sunday afternoon at 16.00 hrs (4:00 p.m.), you are invited to join us for "Brotzeit" — "a traditional German savory snack native to Bavarian cuisine." What to bring? If you would like, please bring a little something for 6-8 persons to share. It's a simple potluck following worship so we can spend some time together before the start of the week. And yes, desserts are always welcome! ______________ Feature photo by Didriks via Flickr Brotzeit by me_maya via Flickr Dessert Platter

Thanksgiving Sunday Supper We invite you to join us for a Thanksgiving Supper on Sunday, 22 November at 17.30 hrs (5:30 p.m.). RSVP to [email protected]. For those interested, our Sunday Thanksgiving Service is at 16.00 hrs (4:00 p.m.). Dress is casual. Celebrate Christmas with Us! Sunday, December 13, 16.00 hrs (4:00 p.m.) A special Christmas program followed by fellowship and feast! If your children would like to participate in the program, or if you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. Photo by

Dear Friends, It is good to be back! As a quick update, I was able to get the necessary documentation, and was also in the States in time to take care of my dad. I had just arrived in California, when Shirin called to let me know that my dad had fallen and hurt his back and shoulder. Apparently, Dad got dizzy while in the garage and fell backwards. As I was still several hours away from him, I persuaded the local

For nothing is impossible with God. – Luke 1:37 If ever there was something to rejoice about in the face of life’s most dismal and disillusioning things is God’s unimaginable power. It’s really beyond our mind’s ability even to grasp the extent of his great force, and we can only begin to approach it by contemplating what we now know about the universe. The ancient Hebrews knew that the whole thing was big and complex, but they never knew how big

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